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The Interagency Commission on Homelessness (ICH) was established by the County to act on behalf of residents experiencing homelessness and to provide advice, counsel, and recommendations to the County Executive and County Council. (Mo. Co. Code, Ch. 24-62 through 24-70, effective 7/10/14)


The Commission serves as the governing board of the County Continuum of Care (CoC), and duties include promoting a community-wide goal to end and prevent homelessness, developing a strategic plan, and reviewing and monitoring programs that are components of the CoC. The Commission recommends to the County Executive and County Council improvements to the CoC, educates the community about homelessness, and recommends and promotes partnerships with private organizations, businesses, and foundations, or any state or federal government agency, to improve the County’s ability to prevent and reduce homelessness.

The CoC is Montgomery County's local homeless program planning network. It is a public-private partnership that includes County and other government agencies, non-profit service providers, landlords and others who have a role in the community's housing market. The purpose of the CoC is to encourage and support local organizations in coordinating efforts to address housing and homeless issues and reduce homelessness.

Mission Statement

The Commission will promote a community-wide goal to end homelessness by developing a strategic plan and reviewing and monitoring programs that are components of the CoC. The Commission will recommend to the County Executive and County Council improvements to the CoC, educate the community about homelessness, and recommend and promote partnership with private organizations, businesses and foundations, or any state or federal government agency, to improve the County's ability to prevent and reduce homelessness.