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Action in Montgomery

Action in Montgomery (AIM, est. 2000), is a broad-based community power organization, and rooted in Montgomery County’s neighborhoods and congregations.


Active Montgomery

ActiveMONTGOMERY is a registration and facility reservation system which will allow customers to:

Register online for classes, camps, memberships and lessons offered by Montgomery Parks and Montgomery County Recreation.


Advance Maryland

Mission & Values

Agricultural Advisory Committee

Acts as liaison between the county government and the agricultural sector to provide input and recommendations on issues impacting rural and agricultural areas.

Agricultural Preservation Advisory Committee

Acts as liaison between the county government and the agricultural sector to provide input and recommendations on issues impacting rural and agricultural areas.

Alcohol and Other Drug Addiction Advisory Council (AODAAC)

The Alcohol and Other Drug Addiction Advisory Council (AODAAC) meets monthly to discuss and continue learning about substance use issues facing our community.

Bannockburn Community Club

In 1946, Bannockburn’s founders, intending to build a cooperative neighborhood, purchased the Bannockburn Golf Club in Bethesda, MD.


Bethesda Green

Bethesda is a sustainable urban ecosystem that enhances green living, ensures environmental protection, and facilitates growth of responsible businesses.


Bethesda Urban Partnership

The mission of the Bethesda Urban Partnership is to create an environment in which downtown businesses and residents can thrive and prosper.


Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities is the social ministry outreach of the Archdiocese of Washington. Motivated by the gospel message of Jesus Christ and guided by Catholic social and moral teaching, Catholic Charities strengthens the lives of all in need by giving help that empowers and hope that lasts.

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